This year’s first wallpiece

Patinaed brass and foldformed copper wall hanging

Wallpiece 14.01 in patinaed brass with foldformed, repoussé copper face.

This small wallpiece is a departure in that it takes a loosely foldformed strip of copper, twisted and crumpled and folded to resemble cloth, and uses that, rather than a solid, thick sheet, as the material in which to form a face. The result is an expressive piece, which looks like it was formed by pulling the copper ‘cloth’ taught over an actual face. In fact, there is nothing behind it, and no forms were used to make the face – just hammers and punches, as always. This piece is unusually high relief, extending some seven inches from the wall.

We actually completed this piece a couple of months ago. The second wallpiece of the year will be featured soon.

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