Construction Techniques

David M Bowman Studio

· Wallpieces·

· Vases·

· Candlesticks·

· Menorahs·

· Tables·

· Sculpture·

· Christmas Ornaments·

· Jewelry·

· Construction Techniques·

· Design·

· Layout·

· Cutting·

· Folding·

· Brazing·

· Sanding·

· First Assembly·

· Surface Treatment·

· Waxing·

· Final Assembly·

· Shipping·

· Hanging·

· Care·

· Patinas·

About the Studio


Wholesale Inquiries

Contact us

David M Bowman Studio
Box 738
Berkeley, CA 94701
510 845-1072
[email protected]
[email protected]

David M Bowman Studio - Home

Construction Techniques

Here at the studio, we use simple hand tools and machines to build all of our wide variety of metal objects. All of the work we do is fabrication, which is to say that we start from sheet metal, tube, rod and bar stock, and cut it up and fasten it together to make all of our objects. None of our work is cast. The Table of Contents on the left of this page lists all of the steps we go through in building wallpieces in order. What follows here is a brief description of most of the processes we use with links to pages describing them more fully.

Note: this page itself is under construction.