Our Patinas

David M Bowman Studio

· Wallpieces ·

· Vases ·

· Candlesticks ·

· Menorahs·

· Tables·

· Sculpture ·

· Christmas Ornaments·

· Jewelry·


Blue-green & White Blue-green

Brown & White Brown

Dark Green & Black

Ochre, White Ochre, & Black Ochre

Grey, Silver, Silver Brown, & Stone Grey

Mottle, Burnt Mottle, & Brown Mottle

Spray Blue-black

Apple Green

Pigmented Blue & Antique Blue

Flame colored copper

Patina care

Our Patina formulas


About the Studio


Wholesale Inquiries

Contact us

David M Bowman Studio
Box 738
Berkeley, CA 94701
510 845-1072
[email protected]
[email protected]

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Patinas and Finishes

Patinas are formed by chemical reactions on the surface of metals. Our patinas, like most sculptural patinas, are made by mixing chemicals and applying them to the surface, rather than waiting for nature to take its course. Most of our patinas are achieved by brushing chemical solutions onto the surface of the brass while heating that surface with an oxyacetylene torch. Others are formed over several days by burying the piece in wood chips soaked with other patina chemicals. Often, the final patina is a result of two or more different patinas layered one over another.

Use the links below to view large swatches of different patinas. Keep in mind, pictures in these pages can provide only a limited idea of the actual look and feel of the patinas. If you are interested in commissioning a wallpiece, you should consider getting a book of samples of our most popular patinas.

If you found this page looking for more information on patination for your own projects in copper, brass, or bronze, check out our Bibliography for patina books, our Patina Safety page, our Patina Formulas (to be used at your own risk), and our page on Patina Technique (under construction). Our Links page lists a couple of chemical suppliers who also provide pre-mixed patinas and have patina formulas on their sites. Also see the pages on individual patinas and their techniques linked below.

The links below will take you to pages with many large samples of particular families of patina, and descriptions of how the patinas are made.

· Our Principal Patinas·

blue-green patina

Blue-green & White Blue-green

white blue-green patina
brown patina


brown patina
dark green patina

Dark Green & Black

black patina
ochre patina

Ochre, White Ochre & Black Ochre

white ochre patina
silver patina

Silver & Silver Brown

silver brown patina
mottle patina

Mottle & Burnt Mottle

burnt mottle patina

· Relief and Texture·

dark green scrap


ochre scrap


Flowed Bronze & Melted Surfaces

Machine Engraving & Grinding

Peening & Hammering

· Less Common Patinas·

spray blue-black patina

Spray Blue-black

spray blue-black patina
apple green patina

Apple Green

apple green patina
pigmented blue patina

Pigmented Blue & Antique Blue

pigmented blue patina with green

The Mystery Patina

Other Patina Combinations

· Bare Metals & Non-Patina Colors·

Polished & Flame-oxidized Brass

red copper

Copper & Its Unique Colors

brown copper

Stainless Steel

Pastels, Gold Leaf, &c.

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David M Bowman Studio Home

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