This is my newest design, the Double Quarto pin. It gives some of the feel of a book, or of origami, but it is less representational than our Book Pins. I’ve just listed a set of these for sale on
This is my newest design, the Double Quarto pin. It gives some of the feel of a book, or of origami, but it is less representational than our Book Pins. I’ve just listed a set of these for sale on
We have been making more bracelets to have a good selection for a shop’s order. I haven’t done many Tribal bracelets before, so I have been enjoying trying them out.
The Tribal Bracelet is the freest of our foldformed bracelet styles. Tribal bracelets have a bolder style and larger visual presence than most of our other designs, and tend to be heavier, as well. They are rougher and less precise than some of our other styles, and tend to use more surface texture. But most important, they are a chance for us to play, unconstrained by any precise model. They are therefore much more distinct, one from the next, than our other styles. Above is a mixture of David’s and my pieces. Below are three of the ones I made last week.
I’m calling this style of foldforming pinchforming. Here’s my first bracelet using the new style.
A sheet of chaotically creaseformed copper David made some weeks ago gave me the idea for these bracelets. One is backed with silver, the other with brass. Future versions may use vermeil (silver with a layer of gold) for the backing. See more of our bracelets on our website.
Another experiment with the ‘spine’ foldform style. I knew when I started this that it would end up looking like a trilobite, but I didn’t let that stop me, despite our usual avoidance of representational work. The folding reduces the length of this piece by nearly two thirds. The resulting piece is about 8″x10″, and hangs either vertically or horizontally. It will be hard to make larger versions of this style for larger wall hangings until we build specialized tools to make them.
We don’t have a name for this style yet. David came up with this one a few days ago. My variant on it will follow soon.